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If you’re considering a move to Italy from the UK, it is important to understand everything about living there, from the culture to the residency requirements.

With years of experience in the removals industry, Bishop’s Move has the local knowledge and expertise to advise on moving to Italy and what you can expect when you’re there.

Moving to Italy?


Why Move to Italy?

Italy is renowned for its scenic landscapes, beautiful architecture and iconic landmarks. The Italian lifestyle is one that people dream of, with tourists flooding there each year to enjoy the sunny climate and many attractions on offer. There is a large expat community in the country, particularly in major cities such as Rome and Milan. Some expats also move to Italy to retire, widely in the rural areas where they can live in the calming Italian countryside. 

Culture in Italy?

Italian culture traces back to ancient times and has since influenced art, fashion and food scenes across the globe. Most notably, Italy is well-known for its delicious cuisine, with popular dishes such as pizza and pasta originating there. Italians are very passionate about their cooking and will showcase traditional family recipes at social gatherings and local restaurants. The country is also known for its rich wine, with plenty of bottles around the world sourced from Italian vineyards. 

There are regional differences throughout Italy when it comes to culture, with the north and south varying greatly. Italians from busy cities are acquainted with a faster pace of life, suited for younger individuals that are part of growing industries such as automotive and technology. Meanwhile, more rural areas such as those in the south have a slightly older demographic, offering a traditional family lifestyle at a far slower pace. Coastal areas, such as the Amalfi Coast, are most popular with tourists who are attracted to the beautiful scenery and Mediterranean holiday feel.

The Colosseum in Rome, Italy

Italian Healthcare System

The national healthcare system in Italy is known as Servizio Sanitario Nazionale (SSN). The service provides all residents with free or low-cost healthcare, which includes GP access, hospital treatment, medicines, and more. Italian healthcare is considered one of the best in the world, due to its accessibility and its key focus on preventative and prescriptive care.

Working in Italy

Due to such vast regional differences in the country, industries vary greatly between the northern and southern parts of the country. In the north, there are a lot of private companies that are industrialised and well-developed. If you are looking for a corporate job, this is the area for you. With open lands and a great climate, southern regions depend heavily on agriculture and farming. 

When looking at the working day, Italians work around 36 hours per week, with the maximum legal working week set to 40 hours. Work-life in Italy is well structured, and you’ll typically work Monday to Friday, 9 am to 6 pm with a two-hour lunch break at midday.


Moving to Italy After Brexit

Whilst it is still possible for British citizens to move to Italy after Brexit, you will need to ensure that you have the correct long-stay visa and Italian residence permit in place. Depending on your type of stay, there are different permit options available to you. There are two main types of permits available:

  • Temporary Residence Permit - This permit will grant you the ability to travel freely between other EU countries, to work there, and to clear an easier path for gaining permanent residence.
  • Permanent Residence Permit - This permit gives you the same rights as an Italian citizen. This includes access to complete healthcare services, the freedom to relocate to other EU member states, and the ability to partake in pension schemes. 

You can learn more about residency and visa options on the UK GOV website. 

Lake Como in Italy

Living in Italy

When moving to any country, it is important to learn about the different towns, cities and neighbourhoods that are on offer. Each location offers something different, whether that be attractive prices, varied housing options, environment, or general lifestyle. Here are some of the top options for expats. 


The capital is undoubtedly one of the best places to live if you’re looking for a little excitement. Home to famous attractions such as the Colosseum and the Trevi Fountain, the city is forever booming with tourists and therefore offers a wealth of fantastic restaurants, bars and shopping experiences. The cost of living is higher, however, on the outskirts of the city, you will find that prices are far lower. 


Tuscany is home to a large expat community, making it far easier for recent arrivals to make new connections and get involved in social activities. Here you will also find an array of stunning beaches paired with tall cliffs, as well as popular cities such as Florence and Pisa. 

Lake Como

Lake Como is truly idyllic, offering scenes romanticised by people across the world. There are many towns across the lake to choose from, with Colico and Como being the most popular. This is an ideal hot spot for those looking to enjoy their retirement years in the most relaxing way possible.

Why Choose Bishop's Move?

At Bishop’s Move, we’ve been moving clients from the UK to Italy for years. Our expertise and experience are unmatched, and we can provide you with a tailored international removals package suited for your move specifically. Find out more about our removals to Italy today, or get in touch with your local branch.