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How to Create Your Own Home Office

20 Mar 2020

How to Create Your Own Home Office
How to Create Your Own Home Office

Are you having to work from home and need to create the all important home office space? Do not fear, as we are here to advise you on how to make the perfect working environment in your own home. 

Clear the space

The first step to creating your perfect home office is to start with a through declutter of the space you wish to transform. Have several boxes, allocating one ‘throw out’, another ‘donate’, and the third ‘keep’. Sort through your belongings, seperating into the relevant boxes. When you’re done, you should have a much clearer space that will promote productive home working.

Warehouse storage is a great affordable and flexible solution to help you make space in your home.

Comfortable chair

Investing in a solid, comfortable chair is also a great place to start when creating your own home office. You will be sitting in this chair for hours at a time, so spending a little more money on a good quality one is well worth the investment. If you’re not able to purchase a new chair at this time, you can certainly make due with the most comfortable chair in your house and using cushions to provide more adequate support. 

Use a second monitor

And additional second screen creates ultimate productivity! Having a second screen makes tasks a lot easier, with the ability to have several tabs open to work more efficiently. If you aren't a fan of juggling different tabs, this is the solution for you. Second screens will allow you to multitask without cluttering your screen.

#TOPTIP Make sure you face the light source in your room so that your monitors do not capture the reflections and make your face too dark to see in your Zoom meetings!

Get some plants

The key to creating a comfortable office space is to go green. Not only do office plants bring a vibrant splash of colour to your workspace, but they also have been scientifically proven to reduce levels of stress. You can easily move houseplants from around your home to your new workspace, or even pot a plant from the garden and bring it indoors.  

Space for your pets

Pop you dog's bed or cat scratching post nearby to you desk, but out of camera shot, as you will find that your pet will love to be near you whilst you work.

Personalise the space

Adding a touch of personalisation is nice in any office space, making you feel more relaxed. Good decor will create an inviting space which you will be more likely to work in. Follow rules of colour psychology if you want to be productive. Picking bright, energetic shades such as yellow and orange has been proven to improve productivity in the workplace. In comparison, dull shades of black and grey work in the opposite way. Pick colourful items, photos and pictures from around your home to transform your new working space. 

Create a work-life balance

Creating a work life balance is really important, especially when it comes to working from home. Working in your house can blend the boundaries of work and home life, so it is important to create a separate distance between the two. We recommend working to the usual hours of your working day, giving yourself adequate breaks and lunch hours. In your breaks, be sure to spend your time away from your home office. Perhaps take a walk outside or read a book, just be sure to separate it from your work. Try and stick to the normal structure you would have if you were still going into the office every day.